Clearing Overwhelm with EFT Tapping Therapy Techniques

When You Feel Overwhelmed, EFT Tapping Therapy Techniques Can Restore A Sense of Calm Overwhelm is epidemic in our society these days ... Many people are over-committed, busy beyond belief, and constantly being asked to add more to their plates ... Many people have a hard time saying "no" even if ...

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Release Grief with Holistic Belief Reprogramming EFT Tapping Therapy

simplify your life

What If You Could Release Grief with Advanced EFT Tapping Therapy Techniques Many people - both men and women - avoid their negative feelings.  This does not work, as the feelings we avoid are projected onto our life in the form of events and people we do not enjoy.  To ...

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Stop Being Clingy with EFT Tapping Video

simplify your life

When You Feel Insecure and "Clingy," EFT Tapping Video Can Help You Relax! It can happen to the best of us. Something in a relationship triggers one of our old unconscious patterns ... and suddenly our usually confident self is shaky and insecure. We may then become "clingy" in response ...

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Dating and Relationship Disappointment: How to Clear It with EFT Tapping Video

dating and relationship disappointment

When the Date Did Not Go Well, and You Feel Disappointed ... It's A Good Time to Tap to Release that Dating and Relationship Disappointment with this EFT Tapping Video So ... you got all excited for a big date, thinking maybe you had finally met Mr. or Ms. Right ...

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“I Don’t Know Where to Go From Here”

erika awakening inner guidance intuition

EFT Tapping for Better Inner Guidance and New Answers If you practice self-development long enough, you are bound eventually ... or more likely, on a regular basis ... to come to a place where you don't know what to do next. Perhaps answers that worked for you two years ago ...

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Releasing the Anger that Separates Us

Anger management techniques and anger releasing

When Anger is Putting Walls Between You and Other People - EFT Tapping to Release the Separation Anger Anger is one of the biggest blocks to getting everything we want in our lives. Just today I was working with one of my private clients who is enrolled in ...

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When You Are Failing to See the Easy Answer

rainbow, answered prayer, need a miracle, I need a miracle, get a miracle

When You Fail to See the Easy Answer - Remove Your Blinders Sometimes in life we have blinders on our eyes.  The "easy answer" to whatever problem we might have is already there ... and we just are not seeing it.  Today's EFT tapping video is designed to help you see ...

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More EFT tapping videos for our Gold members

rainbow, answered prayer, need a miracle, I need a miracle, get a miracle

More Gold EFT Tapping Videos: Making Offers, Life Purpose, Getting Communication Started Thanks to all of you who supported my Costa Rica Becoming Fearless journey. It was an amazing trip.  It was also a huge confidence builder, because by getting out of my comfort zone, I learned once again ...

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