EFT Tapping Video to Help You with Committing to my 15-Week Miracle Coaching Program

Hey everyone, I had a bunch of requests from members for an EFT tapping video to help them commit to my 15-Week Miracle Coaching Program (read more about the program here). And it IS an AWESOME program :) So here's an EFT tapping video for you ... Love,

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Bonus EFT Tapping video for Clearing a “lack of motivation”

Overcoming a lack of motivation with EFT Tapping Techniques Hey, several of you requested an EFT tapping video for helping with motivation. Lack of motivation is often an anger issue (subconscious anger -- we feel blocked because we are not in touch with the anger, so if you are saying "but ...

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Clearing the “scientific mindset” to make way for more miracles …

What If the Scientific Mindset Is Blocking Us from Getting Miracles? This EFT tapping video for letting go of scientific mindset came out surprisingly "Alice in Wonderland-ish." The theme of this EFT tapping video is that, if the world really is constrained by immutable physical laws, then miracles are "impossible." Miracles do not ...

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Your inner guru: How good is your intuition? (and video to improve it)

Increase Your Intuition and Cultivate Your Inner Guru with Advanced EFT Tapping and Emotional Freedom Technique Something I hear from my clients a lot is that their intuition improved dramatically after doing sessions with me (including their intuition about how to get better results with tapping and what other resources would ...

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Do you have a “no drama” policy?

Adopting A No Drama Policy for All of Our Relationships with EFT Tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Thanks for all the fantastic feedback on and requests for EFT tapping videos for the Gold membership.  Thanks to your participation, we will have a LOT of really awesome content in the coming ...

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EFT tapping video from Erika Awakening to release sexual guilt from your life

Hey everyone, In my years of coaching private clients (read more about private coaching here), there are some requests that I get over and over again from many different people ... this is one of them: "Please help me get rid of my SEXUAL GUILT." And you'd be ...

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