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Erika Awakening is a Harvard Law School graduate who left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, visionary, blogger, speaker, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique expert.

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Discover Erika's advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique. Learn how to attract money, tapping for weight loss, become location-independent, feel happier, and much more ...

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Coaching with Erika

Experience freedom you didn't know was possible. Whether you want to uplevel your business, become a location-independent entrepreneur, design your lifestyle, learn EFT for weight loss, tapping for money, or emotional release: BE AMAZED how fast your mindset shifts.

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Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique with Erika Awakening: Learn How to Attract Money and Miracles Fast

This website is dedicated to revolutionary innovation in Emotional Freedom Technique. Our Gold membership gives you access to powerful Emotional Freedom Technique videos and techniques that you will not find anywhere else. We are the experts in Emotional Freedom Technique therapy. We laugh, we cry, we release our shame, our anger, and our fear ... and we celebrate ... Through it all, we get money miracles and lots of other amazing miracles for our Gold video members on a regular basis. Here you can learn about tapping for money, EFT financial abundance, EFT tapping for weight loss, more effective communication, greater personal power, chakra healing, miracle coaching, creating money miracles out of "thin air," boosting your self-esteem, and much, much more ... You can join our Emotional Freedom Technique community so you don't have to do it all by yourself. We look forward to welcoming you to the 30-Day Abundance Challenge or Gold video membership now.
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Erika Awakening's Blog Featuring
Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Videos

class="entry-title">Miracle Coaching with Erika Awakening: Radical Personal Transformation

  15-Week Miracle Coaching Program Teaches How to Reprogram Your Mind to Create Your Reality and Manifest Miracles in Just 15 Weeks Congratulations! You’re about to discover Erika Awakening's 15-Week Miracle Coaching program. In this program, you will learn the most revolutionary method of solving virtually ANY life problem, dissolving the emotional ...

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class="entry-title">Healing the Feminine, part 3

Happy Mother's Day cherished Gold member! In honor of women and mothers everywhere, we offer 15 new Feminine Healing audios today! Again, these were not easy to record. The Feminine is having tough time of it these days from both right and left. Please let me know what gets triggered for you ...

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class="entry-title">Healing the Feminine, part 2

Happy birthday cherished Gold member! These audios have not been easy to record and released all kinds of crazy energies. But our Gold member is right, we all need the healing. So I trudged on. Please be patient as this us a HUGE project. We have more coming but let me get these ...

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class="entry-title">The Silencing

Holistic Belief Reprogramming depends on freedom of expression. We have not had freedom of expression for several years now. In fact, it seems HBR was such a "threat" to what's happening now, that we were shadow banned and forbidden from reaching our audience all the way back in 2013. Now we ...

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class="entry-title">Emergency Protocol

New Audios to Make It Easier to Do the Emergency Protocol Hi everyone, If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that the emergency protocol is one of my more popular EFT tapping techniques. I discovered the emergency protocol when it looked bleak for Fritz the Cat ...

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