… Our EFT Tapping Money Business programs are for you if you want to learn how to attract money into your life now. Our offerings are especially suitable for the location-independent entrepreneur who wants to design an amazing lifestyle. We also help those who aspire to unplug from the rat race and even those who aren’t quite ready yet to pull the plug ;) Take the plunge and try out our EFT Tapping Money Business programs today … you’re going to be thrilled with the results!

The 30-Day Abundance Challenge
Learn how to attract money and tap for $50,000 with this proven 30-day EFT tapping video program that reprograms your subconscious mind for financial success. With 30 powerful EFT tapping videos plus bonus videos, you'll learn how to:
- Identify and erase limiting beliefs about money
- Expand your prosperity consciousness
- Develop the ability to see possibilities rather than obstacles when it comes to money
- Be more creative and have better intuition about money
- Feel more confident when making sales or asking for what you want
You will also get 30 days free in our private Facebook group and forum. Ask questions and get personal help from Erika Awakening and other members. Read our testimonials and see just how HUGE of financial miracles and shifts in mindset our customers have had from tapping these powerful videos.
Reprogram your subconscious mind for financial success starting right now:

Magnify Your Business Magnetism 30-Day Virtual Video Bootcamp
In this program, we expand on the 30-Day Abundance Challenge and address issues for small business owners. Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind for easier success with making sales, addressing tech issues for your website, clearing business overwhelm, attracing the right clients and high paying clients, and much much more ... Learn how to:
- Identify and erase limiting beliefs about making sales and attracting clients
- Expand your prosperity consciousness and business confidence
- Attract business by reprogramming your subconscious mind
- Clear overwhelm, release obstacles, and feel happier running your business

The 30-Day Internet Marketing Challenge
Learn how to use EFT tapping to make it easier to run all aspects of your internet-based business. This is an amazing program for anyone who aspires to be a location-independent or work-from-home entrepreneur. You will learn how to:
- Identify and erase limiting beliefs about making sales and having an effective website
- Expand your prosperity consciousness
- Attract customers and opportunities by reprogramming your subconscious mind
- Clear overwhelm, release obstacles, and feel happier running your business

The 30-Day Tap for $1 Million Challenge
Learn how to attract money on a grander scale than the 30-Day Abundance Challenge. With 30 powerful EFT tapping videos, you'll learn how to:
- Identify and erase limiting beliefs about making larger amounts of money
- Expand your prosperity consciousness and creativity
- Do less and accomplish more
- Develop the ability to see possibilities rather than obstacles when it comes to making more money

The 30-Day Personal Power Challenge
Learn how to overcome everyone's number one fear: The fear of being powerful. This ultra-powerful program has created quantum leaps for just about everyone who has truly committed to tapping the videos every day. With 30 powerful EFT tapping videos, you'll learn how to:
- Identify and erase limiting beliefs that cause you to play small in life and business
- Increase your self-confidence and assertiveness
- Feel more confident in every situation by reprogramming your subconscious mind
- Stop putting up with your own and other people's excuses and baloney so you can go to the next level

The 30-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge
One of the biggest obstacles to people making more money and designing the lifestyle they really want is overwhelm. There's a huge to-do list and seemingly no way to get it done. Learn how to simplify your life by letting your subsconscious mind create brand new brilliant solutions to all of your everyday problems. With 30 powerful EFT tapping videos, you'll learn how to:
- Identify the "problem areas" of your life where you need to simplify
- Use EFT tapping to simplify
- Streamline and downsize your life in all areas - money, relationships, daily routines, clearing clutter, and much much more ...
- Integrate and harmonize your subconscious mind so you can do less and accomplish more.

The 30-Day Quantum Leap
This is a "sleeper" program for powerful longer-term results in love and business. A quantum leap needs a strong foundation to be successful so be prepared for deep and profound changes. These 30 powerful EFT tapping videos will help you:
- Tap in to the power center of your subconscious mind to initiate the quantum leap process
- Identify the areas of your life that need to shift in a big way to prepare for your quantum leap
- Learn how to get your subconscious mind working on the quantum leap for you

Financial & Lifestyle Freedom 30-Day Challenge
This revolutionary 30-day Challenge is designed to get your subconscious mind working on absolute financial and lifestyle freedom so that one day, hopefully soon, you will no longer need money or have to work for money. In this cutting-edge product, we are working to set you FREE from:
- Frustrations about having bills to pay
- Frustrations about being stuck in a "system" that seems beyond our control
- Frustrations about other people's opinions and social conventions
- Sexual, financial, and relationship limitations
- The daily grind
- We release these frustrations and limitations so that amazing new shifts can happen in your life
You can view this as a very ADVANCED version of my original 30-Day Abundance Challenge. Get started now: