Hey Everyone, I've got an awesome new EFT tapping video for you today!! It's surprisingly simple ... it's the Dare to Be Happy video. So often, we allow ourselves to get caught up in gossip, naysaying, drama, criticizing, judging, and just generally worrying and fretting about the past or ...
Magnetizing your Twin Flame
All right, this powerful EFT tapping video really is intended to be part of a future product (which is now released - my Secret Revolutionary product) ... But ... I couldn't help myself, and I pre-released this EFT tapping video to two of our TAPsmarter.com members. Well, ...
Releasing yourself from the grip of addictions …
Reprogram “Negative Mind Movies”
Do you notice yourself getting emotionally "triggered" and replaying the same old "negative mind movie" again and again? The same old argument, drama, conflict, or negative outcome, and it seems totally beyond your control? Are you ready to transform all of your negative mind movies into happy dreams? Of course you are!!! One ...
Attracting magnificent partnerships
“I shouldn’t have more money because the world is already so unfair”
"I shouldn't have more money because the world is already so unfair" ... Do you resonate with that statement? Or do you realize that you can make more money and also help others? Today I am pre-releasing Day 24 of the 30-Day Abundance Challengeto my members ... this video ...
Healing a sense of separation
One of our TAPsmarter Gold members requested a video for healing a sense of separation from the world around us. This is what she said: Erika, The EFT tapping video on Clearing the "Scientific mindset" (i.e. the Newtonian, works-like-clockwork) is really excellent. I've done a fair bit of ...
Why I stopped eating meat
Don’t like making sales? I’ve got some “bad” news for you …
Hello dear friends, Are you watching the Occupy movement with as much fascination as I am? For me, it's a thrill to see the world awakening. The world is finally emerging from a stupor induced by voluntary enslavement to television, day jobs, prescription drugs, conventional morality, and every other ...
How to become more powerful and more popular by caring less about “what other people think” with EFT tapping
When people finally "get" the whole game of self-empowerment, they are often surprised how paradoxical it is. The more you care about what other people think, the less they will respect you. This makes no sense to the rational, linear mind. The rational, linear ego mind thinks 1+1=2. Under this view ...