When You Set Your Goal Too High


Do you feel paralyzed or overwhelmed because you set your goal too high? It is a very common problem in self-development that people set too high a goal for themselves ... and then get overwhelmed and paralyzed because the goal just seems WAY out of reach. There is an art form ...

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Getting Balance in Your Life with EFT Tapping Therapy Techniques

not trusting other people

Is your life feeling unbalanced and you wish you had a more balanced life? Get more balanced with EFT Tapping Therapy Techniques Then you will love today's Erika Awakening exclusive EFT tapping video. It's all about having the right balance in your life. Balancing fun and life purpose ...

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Feeling inadequate as a woman?

From inadequate to goddess as a woman

Would you like to stop feeling inadequate as a woman and start feeling like a Goddess instead? Then today's Erika Awakening exclusive EFT tapping video is for you. It's time to reprogram your subconscious mind to let go of insecurities and self-doubt. It's time to step into your birthright of ...

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Free EFT Tapping YouTube Video for Releasing Anger | Erika Awakening

Release anger

Releasing Anger with EFT Tapping: Free Emotional Freedom Technique YouTube Video from Erika Awakening As many of you know, I am excited to release three new 30-Day Challenges this month, the first of which is the 30-Day Anger Cleansing Challenge. Now you can watch the first video of ...

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Resurrecting Hopeless Relationships: Yes, It Is Possible with EFT Tapping Videos

hopeless relationships restored

Are there some relationships in your life that you believe are hopeless? Nothing will ever work to heal them and you have completely given up? Let's try EFT Tapping Videos One of many results I have achieved with Holistic Belief Reprogramming is the resurrection and restoration of ...

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What’s in your way? The top 3 blocks to your success and ending self-sabotage

Ending Self-Sabotage: Anger, Worthiness, Guilt, Self-Punishment

Ending Self-Sabotage with EFT Tapping Therapy and Holistic Belief Reprogramming If you are really honest with yourself right now ... Are there some areas of your life - whether it be money, business, sex, relationships, health, losing weight, achieving fitness, or anything else - where you consistently sabotage your results? Self-Sabotage ...

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Losing Weight with EFT Tapping and Holistic Belief Reprogramming

Weight Loss with EFT Tapping

Hi, this post has moved ... Yes I want to learn about EFT Tapping for Weight Loss

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