Gold Membership Videos for December 2015

Cleaning the Mirror in Preparation for Christmas – The Second Coming of Christ

second coming of christ

There have been so many omens this year … to me, it feels like the Second Coming of Christ is upon us …

Happy holidays, everyone. Christmas
clearly has a special place in the hearts and minds of those of us who practice Holistic Belief Reprogramming. This is because we rely so much on A Course in Miracles, which is a channeled work of the Christ Mind.

The Christmas season (or whichever holidays you celebrate) is a great time to practice Gratitude.

Here, you can experience the first video from the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge for free:


For only a short time more, get the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge for a very special price here, to celebrate this season of Thanksgiving. No excuses!! Get it now :D

Let’s get the manger ready for the Second Coming of Christ! As I talked about in our last post, the focus right now is on cleaning, repairing, and simplifying.
If you are into cleaning and simplifying, you will LOVE the 30-Day Simplify Your Life Challenge here.

All of my Holistic Belief Reprogramming videos are metaphorical as well. Sometimes people wonder how they will get benefits tapping for one of my cats.

This is not about a cat! We live in a hologram. It is often easier to get at our subconscious issues by tapping another person or animal’s issues. This is because surrogate tapping enables us to bypass the logical ego mind defenses that keep our reality stuck in place.

In that spirit, here are our new Gold membership videos for December (Christmas Season) 2015.

The topics for our December Gold Membership videos are:

1. Getting Others to Tap

2. Resistance to Physical Relationships – Making Way for the Holy Relationship

3. Mother Healing

4. Releasing Despair

As we have talked about many times, all of the videos are metaphorical. So even if it appears not to be “your issue” … I guarantee if you just let your subconscious mind draw the parallels, there will be a metaphorical application to your own life. And it just might be that a seemingly unrelated video … turns out to be the key to resolving your most stubborn and frustrating issue!


erika awakening

You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

advanced EFT tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Videos tapping therapy

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