Oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!!
Would you like to make more money and not work any harder? Today I am sharing with you a little-known Erika Awakening money miracle manifestation secret that you are going to LOVE!!
Why? Because it’s fun. Not only will it make you wealthier, it will also make you happier and healthier. You will make more money and you will feel better too. And that’s exactly the kind of win/win that we are always going for with Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR).
In this week’s Erika Awakening Insider e-newsletter (if you are not signed up, you can sign up here), I shared that I was on my way to a coastal spa to research this hotel in advance of an intensive coaching retreat I will probably host here with my long-term mentoring client this summer.
If you missed that edition of the Erika Awakening Insider e-newsletter, I shared there that many beginners to the art of manifestation make the mistake of working TOO hard. They do not understand that working harder may actually be making it more difficult for them to manifest what they want in life.
Here’s an excerpt from the newsletter explaining why working harder is actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE if you want to make more money:Do you ever feel burned out and overwhelmed trying to handle it all? Or just plain TIRED? Most people, if they are honest, feel this way sometimes. Some people feel this way all the time. And our society in general does not recognize the value of resting and doing nothing. So there can be a lot of “peer pressure” just to keep going.
HBR gives you a practical way to “let go and let God.” Right now, sales this month are so high that – assuming all promised payments come in on time – I’m only a few thousand dollars away from having my first ever $100,000+ month in this business. Which would be really cool!! Right now, my ego says “push push push, you can make it to $100,000.” But that’s not what my heart is saying. My heart wants to rest. So … I’m not going to push. Tomorrow I’m heading up the California coast to research a resort spa where my long-term mentoring client and I will probably have our intensive HBR retreat this summer. Technically this is still “work” but it’s a very yin form of work. And this is sooo important. Anyone who is all yang or all yin is going to get out of balance. When we push harder, we go too far in the yang direction, and ironically that makes it HARDER to meet our financial and other goals. I can’t tell you how many times large payments have come into my business WHILE I was on a massage table, letting go completely into the yin … It’s one of the biggest mistakes I see with beginners to the art of manifesting … that they work TOO hard, get out of balance, burn out, exhaust themselves … and this is a form of self-sabotage. You must incorporate YIN into your life to maximize your results. So, instead of pushing, I’m going to give you these reminders and offerings, and then I’m going to let go and relax into this mini-retreat to the healing ocean, indulging in some massages and Sonoma wine and quiet time near the waves … |
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And I am here now at this beautiful seaside resort. When I arrived yesterday, the ski was brilliant blue, and I had a lovely walk down to the beach at sunset. I enjoyed a fruit and cheese plate and a long aromatherapy bath in my soaking tub (photo above), with candle and champagne.
Here is the gorgeous view from my room:
Today I indulged in a dip in the hot tub (photo above), a massage, and an evergreen salt scrub. Ahhh, quiet time on the massage table, no iPhone within reach, a chance to practice real presence.
When I slow down this much, I often get in touch with sadness that otherwise was “hiding” in all the busy activity, and once the sadness becomes conscious, I can become present with it, and clear it. I consider massage to be a beautiful complement to and indeed an integral part of Holistic Belief Reprogramming (and recommend it to my clients and customers) because it often makes deeply unconscious issues conscious. Often I go into a deep meditative state during massage, and I can feel the endorphins releasing into my tissues …
And when I got back to my room and checked my email, something had happened that has happened many, many, many times before. Money showed up. In fact, I received an email telling me that over $15,000 had been wire transferred to me, DURING my massage.
Coincidence, you say?
Well, maybe … but you’re going to have to explain a lot of coincidences then, because money coming in during my massages is a way of life for me. And I don’t think it’s an accident.
As I shared on the members-only section of our forum yesterday, here are a few memorable examples:
In January 2011, a client who had been hedging about the timing of when he might be able to make his final payment for my 15-Week Miracle coaching program sent me $5000 while I was in a massage.
In January 2012, I went to the Bellagio in Vegas for a week and worked very little on the business. After an extended massage therapy, I returned to my locker to find over $7000 in my inbox.
Also in January 2012, I received my largest PayPal ever during a massage – over $17,000.
And there are countless other examples where smaller amounts (often unexpected sales) came in while I was ON the massage table. Considering that I am in massage at most only a few hours per week, it’s way beyond what you would expect if timing of payments were “random.”
So here’s the HBR take on this phenomenon:
Manifesting money is not a “scientific” or “analytical” process. It is a spiritual, holistic, and organic process. The yang/yin rhythm of it is like ocean waves, or breathing. The inhalations and exhalations must be balanced.
There is a yang part of my business. This is the active teaching, the coaching sessions, the offers that I make to people in my posts. And there is a yin part, where I let go and let the Universe handle the details. Both aspects are important to the manifestation process. Without this balance, you will work way too hard to make more money.
Without the yang part, there would be no passion and direction in my business. Most people wouldn’t know what I’m offering, or what to do to avail themselves of it.
Without the yin part, I would be out of balance. I would be burned out and exhausted. I would be over-giving and under-receiving. Which does not make for a sustainable business. I want to make more money but I do not want to work any harder than i already do. (To balance out your giving and receiving energies, see my awesome and affordable mini-products here.)
And when I manifest money on the massage table, this is the essence of what it means to be a “money magnet,” lol. Magnetizing money miracles to your doorstep one after another really is possible when you learn how to reprogram your mind to allow the miracles to happen. You really can make more money, and it really can be easy. This is how the Law of Attraction is meant to work, if only people knew how to use it. That’s what I teach in Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR).
So, in this spirit, I have a treat for you today. The topic for today’s Gold membership video – another Erika Awakening original – is “Making It Easier to Make a Million Dollars.” This is a companion video for the Tap for $1 Million 30-Day Challenge (which you can purchase here – the price of it is going up after Friday, May 25).
In this video, I will guide you through a powerful tapping sequence that will help you make more money and get your money miracle while LETTING THE UNIVERSE DO A LOT OF THE WORK FOR YOU so that you don’t get burned out, which means you will have a better life for yourself and you will be able to provide much better services for your clients and customers because you will be FEELING GREAT. :)
You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here: ![]() |
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