How to Forgive Yourself Past Mistakes with Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Tapping
“You are your own worst enemy”: Why we punish ourselves and what to do about it
In A Course in Miracles, our Teacher explains how the ego keeps track of all our past mistakes and brutally punishes us for them.
How can you forgive yourself past mistakes?
I have been amazed over and over again in my EFT tapping sessions and videos how much grief and guilt I still have about events that I had long ago forgotten.
Another example came up over the past few days. When we were kids, a gray cat we called “Basketball” adopted us. We called him Basketball because his rear end would bounce up and down like a basketball when we petted him. We loved that cat, and he loved us. Our parents were not happy though about having yet another cat, as we already had three.
Our parents tried to get rid of the cat by dropping him off miles away from our house. Yet he somehow found his way back to us.
One day, our mom decided we had to take him to the animal shelter. My brother and I did not want to do this, because our understanding is that most such animals were killed at the shelter. Especially adult cats and dogs like Basketball. Feeding Basketball could not possibly be more than a few dollars a month. There was no reason to let him be killed. Yet we did not feel powerful enough back then to take a strong stand to save Basketball’s life.
I knew I was sad when we dropped Basketball off at the shelter to an uncertain fate. What I didn’t realize is how sad I still am now. Until I was tapping on an unrelated issue where I seemed to be punishing myself and it just wouldn’t shift … and then the Basketball memory came to the surface. And I’ve been crying my eyes out off and on and tapping ever since. The sadness had not “gone away.” It had been stuffed deep into my subconscious mind, and used by the ego to punish me ever since.
Ugh, so much guilt and grief and anger and sadness. How do you forgive yourself past mistakes?
It was a big mistake: Letting other people talk you into something you know is wrong. That cat was doing fine fending for himself. Taking him to the shelter was not the right thing to do. And I let it happen. It’s hard to forgive myself for that. Fortunately, we have EFT tapping to help us forgive ourselves – finally – for things we did years ago.
This brand new EFT tapping videos to Forgive Yourself Past Mistakes is for our Gold membership club. If you are not yet a Gold member, and you would like to get access to my powerful EFT tapping membership videos, CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
Today’s topic is:
Forgive Yourself Past Mistakes (1 new EFT tapping video)
I hope you enjoy this powerful EFT tapping video and can forgive yourself past mistakes after tapping along with me! :)
When you make the commitment to my Holistic Belief Reprogramming system … you will discover that there’s a lot more going on in your subconscious mind than you thought … And it’s time to take your power back from the ego. Unless you want to be the ego’s whipping boy forever suffering an endless litany of struggles and pain for mistakes you made years ago …
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