Cultivating Self Love - Removing Blocks and Old Baggage to Discover Your True Identity with the Divine As Love Itself Hi everyone, I want to get these brand new awesome videos out to you as soon as possible. So I am not going to write a lot. I will be releasing ...
Ascension – Gold Videos for September October November 2017
Releasing Avoidance, Resistance, and Procrastination to Restore Flow
Releasing Unconscious Emotions That Create Avoidance, Resistance, and Procrastination If you've been feeling high levels of resistance, stagnation, avoidance, and procrastination ... you are not alone. It seems to be going around lately, some kind of Universal current that we are all riding. This set of Gold videos continues the emotional work ...
15 Ways the Feelings You’ve Been Avoiding Are Ruining Your Life … And How to Fix It
Tapping to Heal Politics
Making an “election” – Tapping for the Apocalypse
Getting Justice from A Kangaroo Court: Gold Membership Videos for July, August, and September 2016
Corruption, Injustice, and Insanity: How Do We Get Justice From A Kangaroo Court Many of you have requested EFT tapping videos to address corruption, injustice, and the unfairness of "this world." Have you heard of the term "kangaroo court"? According to Wikipedia, a kangaroo court is: a judicial tribunal or assembly that ...
Releasing Our Fear of Intimacy – the Prelude: Gold Videos for May and June 2016
Powerful Videos for Releasing Deep Fear of Intimacy (Already Had Substantial Results) It is time to go big and bold with our EFT Tapping and Holistic Belief Reprogramming. It is time to address that deep, ego-based fear lurking behind everything else for the past few years: Fear of Intimacy Today's videos are ...
The Orchid that Would “Never” Bloom: Gold Membership Videos for April 2016
Happy Spring - Time for Quantum New Beginnings - Inspiration from the Orchid that Would "Never" Bloom Welcome to Spring, the season of new beginnings. Today let's talk about a very important aspect of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, which is our advanced and holistic version of EFT tapping: the tendency to ...