erika awakening

About Erika Awakening

Erika Awakening is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here.)

Advanced EFT Tapping video to release the limiting belief: “I don’t know how to ask for what I want”

Emotional Freedom Technique for Being More Assertive If you’re like many people, you may have some hang-ups about asking for what you want in life.  Maybe you’re good at asking for what you want at work, but not in your … Continue reading

Miracle Coaching with Erika Awakening: Radical Personal Transformation


Congratulations! You’re about to discover the most revolutionary method of solving virtually ANY life problem…. Continue reading