“I need do nothing” – How to rest and relax with EFT tapping

Sometimes our intuition tells us to do nothing, yet our ego wants to interfere: EFT tapping for doing nothing

I need do nothing rest and relax with eft tapping

If you’ve been following my ErikaAwakening.com blog, you may have noticed we have been talking quite a bit about doing nothing. In yin yoga, for example, the Ultimate Yogi Travis Eliot teaches us that:

“In doing nothing, everything begins to happen.”

In A Course in Miracles, our Teacher literally teaches us:

“I need do nothing.”

Indeed, the power of doing nothing can sometimes be quite astonishing. Perhaps we were working way too hard at something that was not really serving us (read more here), and not really making any progress. Then we take some time out and do nothing, and suddenly a brilliant inspiration comes to us that saves us months or even years of “working hard.”

I need do nothingMeditation is another powerful form of doing nothing, and I do recommend it to all my clients and customers (learn more here).

And yet … do you really think our ego is going to be pleased when we step off the hamster wheel and start doing nothing? Oh good God … NO. The ego wants to PLAN everything. The ego wants to make sure that the future sucks just as much as the past did. The ego does NOT want us to become present by doing nothing. The ego is going to squeal in agony and do whatever it can to persuade us to get back ON the hamster wheel.

This is where EFT tapping can again be very very helpful for releasing guilt about doing nothing and helping us to feel more comfortable with the yin part of our process …

Today’s Gold membership EFT tapping video is dedicated to releasing our resistance and fear about doing nothing.

I need do nothing.

This brand new EFT tapping videos for Releasing Guilt About Doing Nothing is for our Gold membership club. If you are not yet a Gold member, and you would like to get access to my powerful EFT tapping membership videos, CLICK HERE TO JOIN.

Today’s topic is:

Releasing Guilt About Doing Nothing(1 new EFT tapping video)

I hope you enjoy this powerful Emotional Freedom Technique EFT tapping video! :)

When you make the commitment to my Holistic Belief Reprogramming system … you will discover that there’s a lot more going on in your subconscious mind than you thought … And it’s time to take your power back from the ego. Unless you want to be the ego’s whipping boy forever suffering an endless litany of struggles and pain for mistakes you made years ago …


You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

advanced EFT tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Videos tapping therapy

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