Gold Membership Videos for September 2015

Money, Fraud, Losses, Personal and Professional

miracle money

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As most of you know by now, I have spent the last few months intensely focused on healing my cat Harvey. We are going to do everything in our power for him to be a Miracle Cat like his pal Fritz the Cat.

I hope you will also join 111 Days of Love on the Erika Awakening blog – we have a ton of great content over there right now. We are honoring Harvey the Cat with 111 Days of Love.

And we have a new Gold Membership Rewards Program in the works … I want to reward those who make the commitment to an ongoing membership. Stay tuned for details.

In the meantime, I wanted to make sure you keep receiving your Gold membership videos so I am again releasing five videos from the archives. The topics are:

1. Anger and Abundance

2. Disgusted About Fraud

3. Grief and Losses

4. Personal and Professional

5. Don’t Know What to Do About Money

As we have talked about many times, all of the videos are metaphorical. So even if it appears not to be “your issue” … I guarantee if you just let your subconscious mind draw the parallels, there will be a metaphorical application to your own life.


erika awakening

You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

advanced EFT tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Videos tapping therapy

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