What is psychological reversal and how can we resolve it with EFT Tapping?
Simply put, it means that although the conscious mind claims that it wants to achieve a particular goal, the subconscious mind is saying “NO WAY, Jose.”
And I hate to break it to you, my dear readers, but it’s the subconscious mind that mostly runs the show. So that psychological reversal blocks us from moving forward and reaching our goals.
So no matter HOW badly you think you want more money, the perfect relationship, getting out of a job you hate, and so forth, if you don’t get psychological reversal resolved …
And it is ENTIRELY an inside job.
So, in response to requests from many of our members, I created this EFT tapping video to help you identify and release “your own worst enemy,” the subconscious part of you that repeatedly sabotages your attempts at manifesting what you want in life. It is time for us to eliminate psychological reversal.
It is time for psychological reversal to be a thing of the past. Tap along to this powerful EFT tapping video, and let me know how it goes for you.
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