Healing a sense of separation

One of our TAPsmarter Gold members requested a video for healing a sense of separation from the world around us. This is what she said:

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Healing a feeling of separation


The EFT tapping video on Clearing the “Scientific mindset” (i.e. the Newtonian, works-like-clockwork) is really excellent. I’ve done a fair bit of work on miracles with different techniques and although I got progress I could tell my old “scientiific/Newtonian” ways of thinking were blocking me.

I’d greatly value a video on reducing my/our sense of separateness….

I was struck by this in one of your ErikaAwakening.com blog: “Personally, I no longer consider myself separate from my surroundings. I find myself in spontaneous, random conversations with strangers all the time, with no agenda whatsoever. Sometimes it turns into more. Sometimes it doesn’t.”

As someone whose called herself “shy” but also realizing that wasn’t quite the right word, I think I may be overly aware of my “separateness” and otherness of others. It’s in part a consequent of that “Newtonian mindset”.

I have also managed to “kill” one business because I was overly keen on doing it “my way” (separate from the rest). When I actually started networking I found out much better ways of doing things, and that certainly helped a lot.

So this video is dedicated to her and to the other members who said this video would be helpful to them.


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Erika Awakening: <strong>Erika Awakening</strong> is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (<a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikaAwakeningTAPsmarter/?rel=author">Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here</a>.)
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