Erika Awakening Contact Details
How do I Contact Erika Awakening? Contact Erika Awakening here
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And as for emailing me:
I do love to hear from you and have been blessed to receive a great many emails from my readers …
It is very important to me to feel a personal connection to this website and to my audience, to have a simple business model, and to ensure the consistency of my signature coaching method, Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR). For that reason, I have made a conscious decision NOT to employ a virtual assistant to answer my emails. I answer every email myself.
Please understand that I am a public figure, and I receive a LOT of email. My request to you is that you be VERY conscious about your decision to communicate with me.
If you are a client or customer, you already know that you are my first priority. You can contact me any time if you are having trouble with a product or wish to ask questions about this healing method.
I also welcome inquiries from anyone who is serious about purchasing coaching, products, or membership from me. I also welcome win/win proposals of any kind. For example, if you’d like to commission me to speak at a major event, if you have a group organized and you’d like to request customized (paid) coaching, or if you wish in one way or another to contribute to my or both of our well-being, I welcome your communication.
Put yourself in my shoes … if you were a busy public figure focused on sustaining a thriving business while also helping the largest number of people, would you be joyful if you were me upon receiving your email?
Requests for “free” advice are disrespectful to me as a healer and probably will not be answered. I have invested literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in developing HBR and my websites. If you would like to benefit from these resources, you will be expected to give back to me and this community in a real and tangible way. This website is designed to provide opportunities for you to participate in the healing community that I have created regardless of your income. Moreover, if you commit to apply HBR on a daily basis to any abundance issues that you may have, your financial potential is unlimited. Please do not request anything from me unless you have contributed or are serious about contributing to me and to this community.
We do welcome any and all questions on our Forum and registration is free. I look forward to seeing you there.
And really, really consider joining our Gold membership with instant access to almost 200 advanced EFT tapping Emotional Freedom Technique Videos. Just click on the “Gold membership” button below to get access now :)
To Your Success,
You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here: |
You can, if it feels right in your heart, demonstrate your sincerity by donating using the link below. Believe me, you’ll find a much more receptive audience if you’ve shown me that you mean it about supporting me and this website by putting your money where your mouth is :)
With all that said, if you are seriously interested in one of my programs or you have a clearly-thought-out win/win proposal for me, feel free to contact me through this form.
from Erika Awakening in the future.
Contact Erika Awakening with this form:
[contact-form 2 “Contact Erika Page”]
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