Asking Too Little of Life? Ask for More with EFT Tapping

If You Are Asking Too Little of Life, EFT Tapping Therapy Can Help

How often during any given day do you think of an idea, a desire, something you might enjoy, and then say to yourself, “oh, I don’t need that, I can do without it.”

Do you find yourself squelching your own laughter, exuberance, opinions, and authenticity because you are scared of “what others might think”?

Terrified of their disapproval, perhaps you have decided that asking for too little is “safer” than asking for what you really want …

There’s a passage in the powerful book A Course in Miracles that says this:

“You do not ask too much of life, but far too little.”

Wealth consciousness is not just about money. Wealth consciousness is the recognition that you are directly connected to God and to everything and everyone on this planet, and because God can create anything at will, you can have everything you want and need, all the time, and so can everybody else.

So why do we see so many people going through life in totally unnecessary states of lack and limitation? Enough!!

This video will help you let go of your “guilt” about asking for more from life, and empower you to become a magnificent co-creator with God …


You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

Erika Awakening: <strong>Erika Awakening</strong> is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (<a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikaAwakeningTAPsmarter/?rel=author">Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here</a>.)
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