Money Miracles: I Needed a Miracle and I Got One Learn How Miracle Coaching Can Help You Today

And suddenly miracles started happening.

Yes, they were MIRACLES:
  • Men who hadn’t talked to me in months would contact me out of the blue after I tapped away some of my emotions about them, and I even started receiving spontaneous marriage proposals!
  • Money miracles! I tapped to have more rentals of my vacation home, and they began to increase, often with email inquiries showing up within minutes after I’d complete a round of tapping. I was also able to raise the rental rates, and people were paying the new rates almost entirely without complaint. This was an amazing money miracle for me.
  • My chronic pain (which had not responded to painkillers) began to subside.
  • A skin condition I’d had for years (which did not respond to any medication or expensive treatments) began to improve.
  • I healed relationships at work and with my family of origin.
  • I noticed that people on the street or the ski lift would start spontaneously talking to me, for no reason at all. This had never happened before.

It was as if I had become a human magnet – a magnet for love, money, health, you name it, I was attracting it. I felt guided to start a blog and begin sharing these ideas, and it became successful almost overnight. Then I turned the blog into a business, and that too became successful, even in the midst of a broken economy. I had money miracle after money miracle in my new online business.

And I also began applying the techniques I was developing with other people. Friends and family at first, and then I started working with private clients.

To make a long story short, I made rapid progress on previously stubborn problems by combining methods and experimenting relentlessly … then I tested and refined the ideas into a system… and put it all together into a comprehensive methodology that was producing consistent and repeatable results – both for me and for nearly every person who did tapping sessions with me.

This signature self-empowerment method that I created is now called Holistic Belief Reprogramming, or HBR.

All of this finally led me to fulfill a dream I’d always had that I didn’t really believe could come true … working from home, pursuing my life passion, writing a popular blog, speaking at conferences all over the country, helping countless people, and all the while making a multiple six-figure income in my online business with a very simple business model. These days, I do most of my work at home in my pajamas, and I’m well on my way to seven figures at this point.

Sound impossible? I’m living proof it isn’t … and I had sooooo many “blocks” and “fears” about creating my own thriving business … if I can do it, YOU can too!!

Why Should You Believe That Erika Awakening Can Help You?

As you already know, there are a lot of people out there on the internet trying to convince you that they have all the answers. There are a lot of “get rich quick” schemes and “attract men or women” products, and it can be bewildering to try to choose among them.

You’ll see a LOT of testimonials on this site from people just like you who finally took the plunge and did sessions with me (Personal Coaching with Erika Awakening) … and you’ll see how astounded they are by the power of this method.

Some people think tapping is “woo woo,” but as an attorney who could be making millions practicing law, I have better things to do with my time than spend it on something “intangible.” As you get to know me better, I think you’ll find that I am deeply pragmatic. I’m not interested in techniques that don’t work. I saw plenty of those on my journey, and I’m not interested in creating for anyone else the frustration I endured when I spent my precious time and money on something that didn’t work.

I like systems that get predictable and tangible results. And if the results aren’t SPECTACULAR and well beyond what any other method out there is able to achieve, frankly, I’m not interested.

So I invite you to dip your toe in … commitment is essential to your success … but you can begin with a small commitment … How to Attract Money or join my Gold video membership program … be sure to listen several times, and follow along with the instructions … apply the techniques to YOUR specific issues …

Only after you’ve seen that this system WORKS … do I want you to believe me. And then I hope you’ll become one of my private clients who writes one of the dozens of Read Testimonials and Reviews for Erika Awakening Coaching and Products that you’ll find all over this site. Nobody is a bigger believer in this system than my private clients and my video product customers. They have seen time and time again how fast problems can disappear and new opportunities can magically appear by applying this method.

I think my Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR) coaching system is the best on the planet. I left behind a brilliant legal career to bring this system to the world, and I stand behind it. I honestly hope you get a TON of value from my system.

To your spectacular success,

Erika Awakening, High Priestess of Miracles at TAPsmarter

p.s. To learn more about Holistic Belief Reprogramming by Erika Awakening, and how it goes beyond any other personal development method you may have tried, click here.

p.p.s. To sign up for personal coaching with Erika Awakening, so I can help you create YOUR dream life just as I have done for myself and so many of my clients, go to my coaching page here.