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11-10-2013, 08:00 AM,
RE: Motivation!
I was going to write a very demotivating post, but maybe I shouldn't Smile. Anyway, I have to celebrate the fact that I got my HIGHEST passive income check so far! (890$).

On the other hand, I feel the pressure rising. I want to quit my job soon and I need to start signing up people on a weekly basis. The reality is that I haven't had a single person in the online business presentation since last Monday. The more pressure I feel, the less I'm motivated. So, I really need to find a different mindset for this. It's exactly the same with my social life. I always put pressure on myself to meet new people, and as a result I'm not meeting anyone.

Ok, back to positive stuff. I had a great idea last week. I offered my friend Petr who is into internet marketing to partner up with me. I signed him up with the minimal package and we made a deal that he will generate leads and I will pitch them and every one that signs up will be signed up under him. A perfect win/win situation. Now we have to create a good landing page and a process to get people into the sales presentation. This shouldn't be too hard, since it's very similar to my day job. Inbound sales rocks!

OK, time to work on that landing page!

11-11-2013, 07:39 PM,
RE: Motivation!
Hi Ivan,

Here's an idea just to try on and see if it's helpful. You know our ego is always judging everything as good or bad, and we don't really know if a particular event is negative or not. It could be something the Universe is using in a non-linear way to help us get the next big miracle. And that helps to get off the emotional roller coaster, because there's more of a "well I don't really know what this means" kind of mentality so why not see if the Universe can use this in some way to help me ... does that resonate at all?
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
11-12-2013, 03:33 PM,
RE: Motivation!
This is definitely something to think about. I've been told this by several people. I need to remind myself that the skills that I learned in my job can lead me to riches. The discipline and endurance I learned can get me very far. But now is the time for the final push! I want to be free by February next year! Both, have the financial backing from by business to be able to shoot into the sky with my efforts and not have the fear of not having enough to live on, and having the time to build my business to levels never seen before!

It's all possible!
11-15-2013, 01:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 01:23 PM by Annbros.)
RE: Motivation!
Erika's suggestion reminds me of the woman who started a degree in medicine and gave it up and then the same with Geography. Everyone thought she had wasted so many years of her life. Then, she was in Thailand and noticed the sea doing strange things and realised it was a tsunami and got people off the beach: when it struck she was then able to use her medical knowledge to help people. She must have saved a number of lives that day, so neither of her choices were a waste at all; in fact they combined perfectly that day.
11-15-2013, 03:01 PM,
RE: Motivation!
Wow Ann, I feel so moved reading what you just wrote ... wow wow wow ... Smile
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
11-16-2013, 04:58 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-16-2013, 04:59 AM by Annbros.)
RE: Motivation!
It was such a great example Erika, of how we never know what God/Universe is preparing us for. She got a load of criticism from friends and family for not being able to stick at either of those two things, yet each, in isolation, would not have had such a beneficial effect as the two pieces of knowledge combined. I read about her a few years ago and have always remembered it. It rather reminds me of how my coaching work and caring work have combined to really help me be the main carer for my mum and ensure she remains happy and content; both by my skills in being able to look after her in practical terms, and to speak to her in a positive way.
11-16-2013, 12:22 PM,
RE: Motivation!
Yes exactly, this is what I'm also trying to tell Mike on the other thread ... We don't know the big picture so there is no point in judging every little thing that happens as good or bad. It makes us miserable for no reason. God has a plan for each of us, and it's a far better plan than we ever could have created for ourselves Smile
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
11-23-2013, 01:43 PM,
RE: Motivation!
Wow, so empowering. I can now finally use the financial strategies that are recommended by the gurus.

Last month I got a PASSIVE income from my business of 675 Euro and I predict this to double this month, I will be spending three full days with top coaches pitching and closing prospects next week Smile. Also, my salary was quite good this month.

This is so empowering and shows that money is not limited to a salary. Since over a half a year I have been managing my salary the T Harv Eker recommends with different accounts and I see my savings grow and at the same time I can pay back my dept. AND now I have have money to invest in my business!

So far, everything I make have gone back into my business.

I will now also start saving for my grand strategy.

On Thursday I have been to a seminar entitled: "how to get free money from the government" Smile. It was about how to get subsidized for starting your business. Most of it I already knew, but some very important pieces of the puzzle were missing, and now I see how I can transition to building my business full time without the hassle of trying to survive.


1. get "fired" from Job (meaning, ask my boss that he signs a paper stating that it was out of necessity (and not from my fault) that they had to let go of me).

2. De-register my business. Wait one day and register it again

3. Get unemployment money for 6 months (one of the things I like about Germany).

4. Grow my business full time and reinvest everything until I have enough PASSIVE income that can sustain me (I am not allowed to make more money that I get during this period, or I have to give back the rest).

5. Get rid of the unemployment money and become financially free!!!


Now the next step is to get a consultation with the consultant who ran the seminar and create a strategy to carry out the above.

updates coming soon.

11-25-2013, 06:42 AM,
RE: Motivation!
OK, I'm not sure what it is, but I got a HUGE resistance. In the exact same week where I'm supposed to go to this Money Camp and become successful, my body has shut down and I became sick. I really wander what this is. Either it's my body trying to warn me, or it's just my EGO being afraid of change and feels that real success is coming. Any suggestions? Erika, Elaine, others?
11-25-2013, 01:09 PM,
RE: Motivation!
Ivan, that sounds for sure like some kind of reversal. I willed myself not to get sick before this weekend party because I could feel the ego trying to throw that into the mix to separate me from others. And amazingly I did not get sick because I'd been surrounded by people who were sick ... but it was a conscious thing.

Similar to Amethyst on the other thread, I would keep clearing fear of "losing" your "safety net."
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)

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