Gold Membership Smorgasbord, Part 3

A Third Variety Pack of Gold Videos – Eight Videos, and Something for Everyone

Hey everyone,

Once again, we are releasing a bunch of our existing Gold videos … so that we can free up the queue for new EFT tapping video requests. A big thank you to those of you who have been making EFT tapping video requests in our Facebook group.

Today I am releasing EIGHT new videos on a variety of topics … from releasing exhaustion and grief, to addressing fears about aging, to those moments when it seems that “tapping is not working” …

Here’s the list:

1. Clearing Exhaustion and Grief

2. Tap When You’re Feeling Low

3. Google Rankings (for your website)

4. “Tapping Stopped Working”

5. Clearing Self-Punishment

6. “All My Exes”

7. Raising Your Rates

8. Women and Aging (remember at the subconscious level, all videos apply to everyone)

Because we are nearing completion of our archived Gold videos, the request lines continue to be open. Some of you have already had some great ideas for new mini-products. Please also feel free to make requests for Gold membership videos.


You get instant access to the powerful EFT tapping video(s) described on this page when you join our Gold EFT Tapping video membership here:

To turbo-boost your tapping results, please invest in the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge. It will make a HUGE difference in how powerful your tapping sessions ARE: https://tapsmarter.com/power

1. Clearing Exhaustion and Grief

2. Feeling Low

3. Google Rankings (for websites)

4. “Tapping Stopped Working”

5. Clearing Self-Punishment

6. “All My Exes”

7. Raising Your Rates

8. Women and Aging (remember at the subconscious level, all videos apply to everyone)

Erika Awakening: <strong>Erika Awakening</strong> is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (<a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikaAwakeningTAPsmarter/?rel=author">Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here</a>.)