Are you ready to make at least $200,000 in your business this year? EFT Financial Abundance

EFT Financial Abundance: Who Is Ready to Make At Least $200,000 in Your Business This Year?

Would you like to make at least $200,000 in your business this year? You CAN.

Last year, I had a minor setback in my business over the summer, and as the end of December approached, it was looking like I would not make my goal of at least $200,000 in sales for the year.

So I recorded this advanced EFT tapping financial abundance video in December (cutting it close to the wire!!). And lo and behold, my business income rapidly began to accelerate, and I ended up OVER $200,000 in sales for the year :)

Are you ready to make at least $200,000 in your business this year?

Now I am sharing this powerful EFT financial abundance video with you, as a FREE BONUS VIDEO for the purchasers of my Magnify Your Business Magnetism product (read more here) … in this video, we clear lots of the pesky limiting beliefs that may be bogging down your business, to create a clear path for manifestation of your healthy six figure income.

Now you’re ready to make at least $200,000 in your business this year!

To get access to this life-changing, abundance-generating video, please purchase the Magnify Your Business Magnetism Virtual Video Bootcamp BY CLICKING HERE:

Erika Awakening: <strong>Erika Awakening</strong> is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (<a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ErikaAwakeningTAPsmarter/?rel=author">Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here</a>.)