Personal power at your fingertips …
Erika Awakening presents The 30-Day Personal Power Challenge for Building Self-Esteem and Living An Empowered Life
The Surprisingly Easy Way to Say “No” to the Baloney in Your Life, Stand Up For Yourself, Be Assertive, and Enjoy Personal Power in EVERY Area of Your Life … Starting NOW
Hi, this is Erika Awakening, and if you are like most people, you are not nearly as assertive in your life as you will need to be if you are ever going to reach your full potential and claim your personal power …
Let me ask you some questions:
Do you find yourself getting “sucked in” to drama and conflict and negative energy and before you know it have wasted half your day on arguments that go nowhere and add no value to your life?
Do you spend more of your bandwidth than you would like on annoying inconveniences like technical problems, problems with your service providers, and other “hassles”?
Are you already pretty successful but frustrated because nothing you do is taking you “to the next level”?
Do you find it difficult to say “no” to “energy vampires,” those people who are draining your energy without giving anything back?
Do you find yourself holding back from asking for what you want from life, from other people and from the Universe at large?
Would you love to have strong boundaries, a clear sense of purpose, a strong sense of personal power, and be reaching your full potential in life with a lot less effort than you are currently expending?
Then this revolutionary and life-changing product, the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge, is for you …
In a nutshell, more personal power means faster personal development and faster personal transformation. And that means your goals become a reality faster than ever before.
After I recorded this product, I noticed some MAJOR changes in my life. Suddenly, I had a lot more PERSONAL POWER. I was standing up for myself in situations where I had failed to do so before. I was saying “no” to drama and conflict, and “no” to what I did not want in relationships. I removed “energy vampires” from my life, and their negative energy was replaced by people who brought positive energy into my life. My technical abilities magically increased, tasks that had been strenuous before started to be easy, and conflicts with service providers began getting resolved easily and in my favor. My standards for what I was willing to accept in my life went WAY UP, and it was easy for me to express these new standards to the people in my life. And the cherry on the sundae? A big money miracle!! My income last in January 2012 after recording the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge was almost DOUBLE my highest monthly business income before that. And as of May 2012, I have already made more money this year than I did all of last year in my business!!
What’s not to love?
Best of all, I’m getting reports about the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge (fondly known as “PPC”) from my customers like these:
“Just had one of the most powerful conversations with my family ever”“Noticing some shifts from the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge already, and I’ve only tapped up to day 8! I seem to be acting less child-like with my family without even really trying, more easily able to put my foot down with my own bullshit, and am being more assertive with others and getting things done more easily during my day. Can’t wait to finish up the rest of the videos! “Just had one of the most powerful conversations with my family ever. I handled it relatively well in comparison to the past – old triggers were much much weaker and I very clearly stated my boundaries and needs and refused to compromise my freedom and integrity. The 30-Day Personal Power Challenge rocks!!” – Ben from the United Kingdom |
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“Within TWO weeks of starting my [job] search I got a positive answer from an international company and now have had my first working day.”“Ok, it’s time to report my recent miracle. Recently, I decided to change my strategy and get a job to have a more stable income and get more skills (and a few other reasons). It wasn’t an easy decision emotionally, and getting the motivation to apply, go to interviews etc. was very hard. However, then I got the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge (PPC), which completely CHANGED MY LIFE in one month time. Within TWO weeks of starting my search I got a positive answer from an international company and now have had my first working day. Thank you Personal Power Challenge and thank you Erika Awakening.” – Ivan from Germany |
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“After three years of resistance, I have HBR to thank for a great result!”“I agreed with my brothers that I would speak to my mum about living arrangements, as she is getting increasingly frail. This conversation usually ends with her getting really angry and insisting she will make a decision ‘when the time comes’. This time I did a few of the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge videos [and a few other Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR) videos]. I spoke to her last night and expressed our concerns and gave her an option of coming to live with me in a new house if we both sell our own homes, as by moving down to live with me means I have access to a load of carers who would come and work with her when needed. She said ‘Yes’ with enthusiasm and no argument. After three years of resistance, I have Holistic Belief Reprogramming and the Personal Power Challenge to thank for a great result! And now they have both said that they want me to keep all the capital in the house that me and my mum purchase as a thank you for taking on the role of looking after her. Wow!” – Ann from the United Kingdom |
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“I’m only up to video four and I feel like I’ve already got my money’s worth”“I’m only up to video four [of the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge] and I feel like I’ve already got my money’s worth. You hit SOO many issues on the head with this product. – Joe from the United States |
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The 30-Day Personal Power Challenge is excellent for helping you meet the following goals:
Becoming more assertive and developing assertive communication skills
Learning how to stand up for yourself and exercise YOUR personal power
Setting boundaries in your life and understanding the meaning of “healthy boundaries” to maximize your personal power
Ending co-dependent relationship dynamics that drain your energy and reclaiming your personal power in relationships
Building self-esteem so you can feel more personally powerful (you are going to feel so much better about yourself, you will hardly believe it!)
Giving you an extra “boost” of personal power to make it easier to achieve your personal transformation and personal development goals
Using your personal power to ask for what you want using effective communication skills, and to “say no” to what you don’t want
All 30 videos are now loaded and available for you to tap along and begin manifesting miracles of personal power and abundance!! So get started today – you will be so happy to see how quickly the big personal transformation comes when you tap along to these Personal Power videos with Erika Awakening.
Erika Awakening, High Priestess of Miracles here at TAPsmarter
You can purchase the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge here:
You can also contact me to pay another way (such as postal money order). To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening products are NON-refundable. All purchases on this website are subject to the terms and conditions of this site (read more here), AND this product is going DEEP into your subconscious mind – remember that you are always 100% responsible for your own health, safety, and choices. Thank you.
Day 1 – Let’s Get Started
Are you ready to reclaim your the personal power, magnetism, and abundance that is your BIRTHRIGHT? :) Then you are in the right place, because that is what we will accomplish over the next 30 days.
In this video, Erika Awakening introduces the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge and we get straight to some tapping to warm you up for the next 30 days …
Day 2 – Clearing Your Refusal to Be Personally Powerful
When we talk about reclaiming your personal power, do you find yourself resisting the process and not wanting to move forward? Perfect, that means this program is going to be EVEN more powerful for you …
Tap along with Erika to release your refusal to be powerful due to all the “bad” things that may have happened in the past when you tried to be powerful. It’s time for you to be powerful with ease and grace.
Day 3 – Letting Go of Fear of Your True Personal Power
Do you find yourself coming up with excuses for not tapping these Personal Power videos every day and making a commitment to this process?
You are not alone. Most of us would rather avoid our uncomfortable feelings and fears. Unfortunately, avoiding our big “issues” doesn’t make them go away!!
Tap along with Erika to let go of your resistance to this Personal Power process and soothe your fears about becoming ultra-powerful. Your “ego” self does NOT want you to be powerful, but we are not going to let us stop us. We are letting go of psychological reversal and opening ourselves up to a whole new reality in this video. Watch your personal power soar after tapping along to this video!
Day 4 – Reclaiming the Personal Power You Have Denied
Are you in denial of your true personal power with God? If you were really owning your personal power, every problem you have would already be solved.
Most of us “pretend” that we are far less powerful than we really are. In this video, we reclaim our birthright of unlimited personal power.
Day 5 – Reclaiming Your Financial Power
Are you refusing to be financially powerful? Too much responsibility and hassle and “not worth it”?
It’s very difficult to be financially powerful if your subconscious mind is seeing dozens of “downsides” that make it seem safer to be financially weak. Tap along with Erika Awakening to embrace your natural birthright of abundant and unlimited financial power and personal power. When you embrace your financial power, you can expect to see money miracles showing up in your life very quickly!
Day 6 – Reclaiming Your Sexual Power
Do you find yourself feeling guilty or unworthy of being sexually powerful? Too scared to claim your full abundance and expression in this area? Too self-conscious to ask for or initiate better sex?
Then you will LOVE this video!! We bring the second and third chakras together and release the blocks and barriers that are preventing you from reclaiming your natural sexual power. Be prepared to magnetize some amazing men or women to you after you tap along to this one (I did!).
Day 7 – Reclaiming the Power of Love in Your Life
What could possibly be more powerful than unconditional love? It can heal ANYTHING. And yet so many of us are scared to be powerfully loving.
Tap along with this video to integrate your third and fourth chakras and open your heart. Reclaim the part of you that already knows how to love in such a powerful way that you can accomplish ANYTHING. This video will definitely unleash the power within and increase your personal power!
Day 8 – Letting Go of Being a Victim
Have you subtly been playing a “victim” role most of your life? Too scared to take responsibility for your life, and finding it easier to “blame” somebody else for your problems?
This is probably THE biggest thing that holds people back from reclaiming their true personal power, the idea that the world is “out there” and that they are a “helpless victim” of it. Fortunately, the victim thing is totally an illusion, and you can let it go TODAY. This video helps you release all remaining attachment to being a victim and allows you to step into your true power now.
Day 9 – Harnessing the Power of Strong Boundaries
Do you find yourself saying “yes” and resenting it later? Frittering away your time and energy on projects and people that aren’t giving you anything back? Compromising on your values, or not even being sure what your values really are?
This video will help you reclaim your personal power. To be a powerful person, it is absolutely essential that you have good boundaries. Everything in life can be a clear “yes” or a clear “no” with no resentment, guilt, or regret. Breathe a big sigh of relief after tapping along with Erika Awakening in this video and feel how much easier it becomes to stand up for yourself and what you truly believe.
You can purchase the 30-Day Personal Power product here:
Please make a conscious decision about your purchase. To encourage full commitment (which is important for you to get maximum results), all Erika Awakening products are NON-refundable.
Day 10 – Be a Powerful Persuader: Reclaiming the Power of Full Expression (Throat Chakra Personal Power)
Do you feel unworthy or undeserving of being a powerful persuader? Do you notice that you censor your authentic expression and “dumb down” your words? Even when you do try to stand up for yourself or persuade others, do you find that they don’t listen or take you seriously?
Then this video is for you. Tap along with Erika Awakening to discover and erase the secret fears and doubts that prevent you from persuading powerfully so you can easily ask for and receive exactly what you desire!! :) Effective communication and assertive communication are KEY to reclaiming your personal power.
Day 11 – Releasing Further Resistance to Being Personally Powerful
By this point in this program, you may notice that a large amount of resistance is cropping up because your “ego” self understands that it is about to be annihilated … of course, it will fight back by attempting to persuade you not to finish the program. The ego does NOT want you to reclaim your personal power.
This personal power video is designed to ensure that you release any resistance that has arisen within you so that you can get the most out of the remaining videos. After tapping along with Erika Awakening in this video a few times, you can move forward with grace and ease.
Day 12 – Transcending the “Victim-Bully” Duality
Do you notice yourself thinking that you can either be a bully or a victim, and those are the only two choices? Perhaps you play the victim because you don’t want to be the “bad” powerful person who hurts others. If so, you will definitely be reluctant to develop your personal power.
In this video, we “collapse” the victim-bully duality so you can find the “sweet spot” of assertiveness where you can be powerful and loving at the same time. Includes some chakra clearing and chakra healing for better results.
Day 13 – Powerfully Giving to Yourself: Giving Yourself the Best
It is difficult to be personally powerful when you don’t treat yourself well and allow yourself to have the support that you need. Do you think any of the truly powerful people in this world try to “do it all by themselves”?
In this personal power video, we address the part of you that “cuts corners” when it comes to giving yourself the best. Erika Awakening guides you step-by-step through this personal power tapping sequence. The video is designed to help you attract more support and give yourself more permission to invest money in yourself, enjoy your life more, ask for and receive more support, and give yourself the best in all areas.
Day 14 – Reclaiming the Power of Your Intuition (Third Eye Chakra Personal Power)
Is your intuition blocked or at least a little bit cloudy? Being powerful with your intuition is one of the THE biggest keys to being powerful in life. So it is absolutely ESSENTIAL that we open up the power of your intuition.
In this video, we will remove the doubts and fears that are preventing you from making optimal use of the supercomputer that is your intuition. Your intuition is one of the keys to reclaiming your personal power.
Day 15 – Reclaiming Your Divine Power with God (Crown Chakra Personal Power)
“With God all things are possible.” So what better way to reclaim your personal power than to snuggle up with Your Creator?
In this video, we open the crown chakra, and tap back in to the Source of All Power. There really are not words to summarize this video, but you can expect to be more magnetic, more charismatic, more confident, and more comfortable with your true power after you tap along to this sequence with Erika Awakening.
Day 16 – Releasing Guilt and Fear About Being Powerful When Other People Are Not
One of the biggest reasons people don’t step fully into their own personal power is that they are scared of other people’s opinions and jealousy, and it feels too scary to be powerful when so many other people are not. Do you really want to let other people’s powerlessness hold you back your whole life? Of course not.
In this video we will release this guilt and fear so that it will be much easier for you to be powerful. After you tap along to this video with Erika Awakening, you will realize just how important it is for you to step into and own your own personal power fully so that you can inspire others to do the same. When you help yourself, you become empowered to help more people.
Day 17 – Feeling Worthy of Being Powerful
Do you look at your list of life goals and feel unworthy of having them? Still not feeling worthy of spectacular wealth, amazing relationships, and the house of your dreams? Do you feel undeserving of your personal power?
The intention of this video is to release your remaining blocks to feeling worthy of being so powerful that everything you ever dreamed of starts landing in your lap … get ready for a ride … this Erika Awakening original video will really open things up for you :)
Day 18 – Releasing Yourself from Family Bondage about Personal Power
Most of us are pretty inhibited when it comes to being powerful. We spent our childhoods being “small” and “powerless.” We got deep conditioning that taught us that we had to follow the rules without questioning them, and that our only other choice was to “rebel” and probably be punished. No wonder we resist exercising our Personal Power!
In this video, Erika Awakening helps you clear these soul-killing blocks so you can be fully powerful without apologizing to anyone about it.
Day 19 – Freeing Up Your Personal Power by Transforming Dysfunctional Family Patterns
This video continues the work we started in video #18 with releasing you from family rules and restrictions that are “dumbing down” your personal power. If your family had a tendency to play small or put pressure you to play small, this video is a MUST. If your family failed to teach you skills for being powerful with money or in your relationships, this video will help set you free.
Tap along with Erika Awakening to release these old patterns and liberate yourself into a new life that you love, where you step fully into YOUR personal power.
You can purchase the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge with Erika Awakening here:
Please make a conscious decision about your purchase. To encourage full commitment (which is important for you to get maximum results), all Erika Awakening products are NON-refundable.
Day 20 – Freeing Yourself From Unhelpful Family Agreements that Limit Your Personal Power
This video also continues our work on releasing you from unhelpful family patterns (whether you realize it or not, deep family imprinting from your childhood and beyond is probably the BIGGEST reasons you are not fully powerful today!!). Without even realizing it consciously, you may still be following family “rules” about issues large and small. Things like how to spend your money, how to have your relationships, and how you can live. These family rules limit your personal power.
In this video, Erika Awakening teaches you how to rewrite these family agreements to fit the life you want to have, rather than the life you think you “should” have. You can breathe a big sigh of relief as you give yourself permission to start making your own rules!! This will give you a lot more personal power.
Day 21 – Integrating Your “Power Shadow” for More Personal Power
Are you scared, deep down, of your power because of the “monsters” you have seen exercising power in a hurtful way? Do you feel haunted by stories about figures like Hitler, Stalin, and cult leaders? Perhaps your parents abused their power, and you vowed “never to be like them”?
This is one of the biggest hidden issues that causes people to play victim rather than take responsibility for their lives and become empowered. Tap along with Erika Awakening as she guides you to resolve the inner conflict that arises from fearing your own personal power, how to integrate your “Power Shadow,” and how to rediscover your true personal power safely, quickly, and effortlessly!!
Day 22 – Feeling Comfortable with the Power of Tough Love
Do you find it difficult to say “no” to other people’s demands on your time and energy? Not easy to stand up for yourself? Feel guilty afterward?
The ability to give tough love is essential to being powerful. When our boundaries are “leaky,” we literally “leak” our personal power, leaving less power for us to apply to our goals. This video will help you see that giving tough love helps everyone involved and makes for a happier world for all the people in your life, most importantly YOU.
Day 23 – Personal Power and Specialness
Do you think you have to be “special” to be powerful — and you’re not there yet? “I’m not a model, rock star, politician, or somebody else who is ‘special’ so how can I be powerful?” is a question that Erika Awakening hears from her clients and customers.
Or you may be scared of being powerful because you think it will “single you out” and foster jealousy, resentment, and ostracism from other people.
In this video, we restore you to the truth that EVERYONE is meant to be powerful, and that it is possible to be powerful WITH other people instead of separate from them. Addressing this form of “self-sabotage” will make a HUGE difference in your comfort level with your personal power.
Day 24 – Fear that Being Powerful Means “Too Much Responsibility”
At this point in the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge, you may be starting to be more open to embracing your true personal power, and here another “reversal” is likely to crop up – it’s too much responsibility!! Too much hassle, too many problems, too much guilt to be powerful. Thus, we must re-frame this entire issue so that your subconscious mind really “gets” that maximal personal power brings peace.
After tapping along to this video with Erika Awakening, you will surely notice that you feel much lighter. It will be easier to move forward and embrace your personal power. Personal power that is aligned with our Higher Self makes life EASIER, not harder. And this will be clear after tapping to this video several times.
Day 25 – Being a Powerful Healer
Do you think it’s “arrogant” to think that “little ol’ you” could be as powerful a healer as someone like Christ, Buddha, or Krishna? Do you find that you don’t want to be like the great healers of history because you don’t want the life they had?
This video will help you see that EVERYONE has the potential to be just as powerful a healer as ever walked this planet. And it will help you let go of the potential “downsides” of embracing this personal power so that you and everyone in your life can benefit from your healing power.
Day 26 – Being Powerful in Your Relationships
This is one of my favorite videos of the series!! Most of us learned as children how NOT to be powerful in relationships, doing as we were told and living by other people’s rules for almost every detail of our life. Those deep childhood imprints are still there in our subconscious mind until we release them, prompting us to act like “children” in our relationships even though we are now adults.
This video will help you let go of childhood imprinting and begin to OWN your power in all of your adult relationships NOW. You will be more assertive and more confident after tapping this video with Erika Awakening. Please tap along to the video several times, until there is no remaining emotional charge.
Day 27 – Embracing the Power of Joy
Are you aware that JOY is one of the highest manifesting vibrations in the Universe, and that when we are joyful, everything that we want comes to us more easily and gracefully? Yet most of us have learned to stifle our joy, because our exuberance was “threatening” to our parents and other authority figures.
This video will help you get your joy back!! And not only will it be easier for you to manifest what you want in life, whether it be money, relationships, or other priceless dreams, you will also ENJOY those things more once you have them!! As you feel more joyful, you will also see your personal power increasing :)
Day 28 – Being a Powerful and Effective Communicator
Do you find that you have trouble with effective communication and assertive communication? Do other people tend to misunderstand you or not take you seriously?
In this highly innovative video, Erika Awakening helps you release yourself from “curses” that you didn’t even realize were blocking your effective communication with other people and even with inanimate objects. This personal power video will restore you to a state of “perfect communication” with all the Universe. Perfect communication is perfect healing, so don’t be surprised if your life becomes much easier after tapping along to this video with Erika Awakening several times ;)
Day 29 – Clearing Your Remaining Guilt About Your New-Found Personal Power
As you have tapped the first 28 videos, you will be experiencing profound shifts in your perception of life and your personal power. These shifts may give rise to a whole new layer of “guilt” about embracing your personal power. In Day 29, Erika Awakening helps you clear remaining guilt and other blocks that may have cropped up during the program so that you can embrace your new-found personal power with ease and grace :)
Congratulations, you MADE IT to Day 30!!
Day 30 – Congratulations and Gratitude Session
In this final day of the 30-Day Personal Power Challenge, we count our blessings and thank the Universe for all the miracles it has already given us, which is a clear invitation to the Universe to send us MORE miracles as we learn to step fully into our PERSONAL POWER. :)
You can purchase the 30-Day Personal Power product here:
Please make a conscious decision about your purchase. To encourage full commitment (which is important for you to get maximum results), all Erika Awakening products are NON-refundable.
About the Author and Expert EFT Tapping Coach Erika Awakening ![]() Erika Awakening is a Harvard Law School graduate and former practicing attorney. She left the rat race to become a location-independent entrepreneur, holistic life coach, visionary, travel blogger, healer, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping) expert. Erika Awakening is one of the world's foremost experts on eradicating limiting beliefs and living life on your own terms. (Follow Erika on Google+ by clicking here.) |
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