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Robin In Carolina
03-07-2013, 09:02 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Yea, understand that it may not be pretty when I go back on there. And probably some people will leave which honestly might be a good thing. It has been my experience in this sort of totally entrenched ego nonsense that the best thing you can do is totally shake it up, even if that prompts a bunch of ego nonsense and even people refusing to stick around. Short term outcomes have to be totally let go if we want to be effective with it. Have faith that new people will be attracted who are a better fit for where you want to take the forum.
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
03-07-2013, 09:27 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Thank you for your candor, Robin! It is so interesting that you are seeing these things now. I have a post to share along similar lines, today, here on the forum..synchronicity!Heart

I saw Erika's wisdom shared here which is rich and beyond compare...I was going to add that I noticed you evaluating the outcome of being tough on the women on your forum and was going to also encourage you to surrender to the outcomes of following your intuition. Amazing things will happen with these kind of present moment actions. Heart

Blessings, Robin!
03-07-2013, 09:33 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Yea exactly. Until the short term outcomes are let go, there is no way to fully realize the power of our intuition ... intuition is working with a much bigger picture where short term outcomes are inconsequential.
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
03-07-2013, 09:34 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
It's up to me to pave the way, that much I am clear on. How is where it is cloudy. I can't force people to embrace change, no doubt, but I do feel guilt around this issue in all honesty.

Those that stay stuck in heart ache and those that choose to suffer. The ever excuse of "that is just the way I am". Oh how to make them see that if they are stuck in heart ache, they don't know who they are. We weren't born to suffer.

Some wear their suffering of the past like a coat of armor. It's a shield and an excuse to avoid any conflict or contrast. It gets slammed up in my face often, in real life as well. It's something that seems to follow me and something I have to resolve, so today again, I am going to bed with my laptop.
03-07-2013, 09:37 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Who does it remind you of from the past, this pattern? That's where to focus the clearing, on the past.

One of the keys is understanding they are not serving their own best interests right now, and often a major wake-up call (like my near-death experience was, for example) ... while it may be perceived as temporarily uncomfortable or painful ... is later seen as the best thing that ever happened to us. Trust me, when I was going through my near-death experience, it was exceedingly painful and uncomfortable. I'm still very glad it happened cuz God knows when I would have woken up otherwise. I've had many people I gave tough love to be pissed at me in the moment and thank me later.
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
03-07-2013, 10:01 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
My Mother, no doubt. Boy oh boy. I can't count the times I would sit by her bed as a child and beg her to get up. As a child I didn't get it.

Then as an adult, she would put up that wounded stuff and how I didn't understand and how could I be so mean when I was only trying to help her see that life was worth living. She would start crying and asking me how could I hurt her so bad. All my fault. She would then get sick or do something drastic and wind up in the hospital and it felt like punishment to me. She was punishing me for not being compassionate after watching her suffer for over 30 years?????

Yep that's where it is at.
03-07-2013, 03:39 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Yep, so then what happens is we play out the same mind movies again and again until we reprogram the patterns. I would expect the End Guilt Challenge to help a lot with this.

For those who don't have it yet, you can get it here:
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
03-20-2013, 12:40 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Hello Again!

Brief update here. I don't have a lot because lately I have been feeling very uninspired and have taken that as a sign to just retreat and regroup.

My plan is to tap through all of the challenges I have up to this point, which will keep me pretty busy. I am not going to do anything business wise until I have made it through them all again. Time to really ignore my resistance, because I am sure that is why I keep feeling stuck.

In the meantime I am doing mindless stuff and just taking care of me and self indulging into the things I enjoy. Things like taking my camera to my hometown to the Azalea Gardens and taking pictures, writing on mindless topics, massages, hot mineral baths, whatever feels good. Maybe break out the sewing machine and create something.

I feel I need to pay attention to that creative side. Once upon a time I designed and sewed those ornate pageant dresses. Won't do that again, but I was very good. I had forgot about that too!

One thing I have noticed since the healthy, fitness and beauty challenge is I have lost all desire for red meat. Please don't shoot me, I am not a vegetarian yet. Angel Bruce asked me last night when were we having steak again and I just made a face. I wasn't even aware of this until that moment. The though of steak makes me ill. He also asked where was the meat in last nights dinner. lol, there wasn't any. It was broccoli and potatoes for dinner with spinach salad. Unheard of in my house.
03-21-2013, 07:53 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Blessings, while you cleanse and clear out old stuff, Robin.Heart
03-21-2013, 08:13 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Thanks for sharing, Robin. These "integration" periods are an integral part of Holistic Belief Reprogramming. I am so glad to hear you are not "forcing it" but rather letting it be and listening to what it might be saying. I've been in one of these time periods myself, and it only just turned into a concrete brilliant idea:

I was feeling cynical and jaded, wondering when the world was ever going to wake up to the answer that is right under their nose. And then I got it! Others are feeling cynical and jaded and hopeless also. The problem and the answer go together. Thus, an idea I've thought about for a long time, the 30-Day World Peace Challenge will be created starting today. My Guidance is telling me not to worry about a bunch of fanfare and marketing of it, just get started and TRUST. I'll be recording starting today and possibly putting videos up starting today as well Smile Already some of you have posted wonderful ideas on the Forum - please keep the ideas coming. When I record a Challenge, I often get it done in a matter of days, so the sooner the better. Go here to post your ideas for videos:
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)

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