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Robin In Carolina
12-07-2012, 07:14 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
p.s. When I coach clients, I urge them to get square on all their debts. Having unresolved debts can really hold down your abundance, so it's just as well you are getting this resolved. I recommend that everyone get a tax advisor and keep accurate track of your income and expenses and keep square on all of it so that you don't sabotage yourself with the guilt of anything unresolved.
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
12-08-2012, 02:18 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Robin, you are so insightful and I love the way you are allowing the solution to find you!
12-09-2012, 12:27 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
That is fantastic, Robin. You are the calm in the storm. What a great example of finding peace in the turmoil. Heart

I never bought in to traditional dating stuff, but what we did with our first daughter, was no more successful. Extremes are not where the answers are. Angry

HBR gives us the keys to unlock the doors and allow the miracles to pour in. Heart

Exciting times we are in!!Heart

You are not alone in making these shifts.Heart
12-11-2012, 02:39 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
thanks for this Robin - is very applicable to my current situation re income/business etc. I am pretty good at keeping faith and not fretting though occasionally do dip into it - always when I think 'ok, should I panic now?' then something comes round to change things. I just need to start allowing it to be a above that just getting by line Smile
02-04-2013, 10:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-04-2013, 10:46 AM by Robinincarolina.)
RE: Robin In Carolina
My last post was about how I was noticing a decline in my income and how some things about money such as the IRS were popping up. Just an update here as I am having a lot of shifts going on.

My income in my niche of dating and relationships is still slowing down. I am not putting a lot into my already established dating one page sites. I took some time this weekend to really look at some of the products I am promoting.

Most of them are full of hype. Hype does sell, there is no doubt to it. Still it doesn't resonate with me anymore. I like the money, but I know I can do better and find better products to promote. If I did it here, I can do it there so to speak.

One major change is that at last I have my affiliate marketing product up and running and it has made money. I just have no clue how to launch it or get it out there more into the public eye. Erika writes about it here at

Again though I don't have to know how, I just have to know that is what I want, the rest will follow.

I have started with the anger cleansing and wow, the major shift for me is in the relationship that I am currently in. It really is a very long story and it would be a book here, so I will try to summarize.

I will use the car story and how I got my car and perhaps that will just sum it up if you can read between the lines a bit.

I have this older car, a 96 Buick Skylark, a grandma car as my daughter calls it. It has been running hot, and has left me stranded at 4 am in my pajamas and purple fuzzy slippers on the side of the road. Not fun.

You see I drive my boyfriend to work every day until April when he becomes a legal driver again. I entered into this commitment with him, so I feel I have to honor it. I agreed to it then. Yet it's not resonating with me now.

So the car breaking down caused me to start feeling resentment. Now not only am I getting up at the crack of dawn, but in a car that isn't reliable. My first thought, it's all his fault.

So, I lean on my boyfriend to get it fixed. He can get it fixed for a lot less than it would cost to take it somewhere else. $50 bucks as opposed to $500. Well it came down to Friday and still he had not locked it down to get it fixed. I got even angrier at him.

I tapped a bit more and just sat with these feelings. For starters my anger had blocked any other solution than getting it fixed. It just is what it is. Friday afternoon, I got in that grandma car and drove to a car dealer that I know personally. I was just going to look.

I drove off with my new car. I parted with almost everything in my checking account for a down payment, but that is okay. More will come. I had a $700 dollar day the next day!

Anger blocks solutions, no doubt. When we are angry at someone or something, things just don't flow. We have a lot of resistance. I felt more stress last week than I have in a year. It's really not up to my boyfriend to fix this. It's up to me. To depend on him is just crazy.

The standard dating advice tells us that we have to let our needs be known to get them met. That is what I was doing. I needed to get my car fixed and I needed him to do it. The more he resisted, the worse I felt. This is why the dating advice that is standard just doesn't work. We have to take care of our own well being and that is not dependent on what someone else does or doesn't do.

My relationship is changing. Rapidly. I find myself asking myself, do I leave? Is he really right for me? Can I grow here?

I don't know the answers and that is where I am at. My answer for now is to do nothing but be who I am. Stop the resistance for I feel resistance when I think of leaving and I feel resistance when I think of staying.

Like with the money though, I just trust that it will unfold and be clear to me. To try to do anything to control the outcome will only backfire on me. I let go and just let flow.

So I will keep you posted as I go through the rest of this anger tapping as I know this is just the beginning.
02-04-2013, 11:42 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Yes, this is just the beginning ... The idea of the Challenges is to stir the pot to get all those issues we didn't want to face to the surface. Once they are conscious, we often discover that we don't want to continue doing what we are doing. Now ... there is an integration phase. Ideally we tap the entire Challenge several times. And then we let the Universe deliver the new miraculous solutions.

Like the fact that I may be on Huffington Post Live today. They invited me yesterday, and I'm still not 100% sure it'll work out on such short notice. But wow what a sign of land!!

Thanks for checking in, Robin. We both know this is just the formation for your next quantum leap Heart
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
02-04-2013, 11:44 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Oh, and for those who don't have it yet, the Anger Releasing Challenge is here:

And a new article about Robin's awesome Affiliate Marketing study course, Pajama Affiliates, is here:
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
02-04-2013, 02:47 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Hy Robin, I like the way you handle everything that comes to surface for you, I so much resonated with you some months ago, I felt the same in my relationship I felt resistance to stay and also felt resistance to go, till some major, major challenge arise and then I knew that whatever the result will be it would be the best thing, and after that huge crises we ended up staying together better than before. I really enjoy this time but I am not attached anymore to this relationship because we all change and something that now is perfect tomorrow it's not anymore ............
So continue to tap as I am doing constantly and I discover new and new blocks and believes that are not supporting me anymore ..... and everything will fall into place at the right time.
(02-04-2013, 10:39 AM)Robinincarolina Wrote: I don't know the answers and that is where I am at. My answer for now is to do nothing but be who I am. Stop the resistance for I feel resistance when I think of leaving and I feel resistance when I think of staying.
02-05-2013, 01:02 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Thank you Daniela. I have thought of you often lately as I know you have some of the same issues. I will continue to tap and just let it unfold. I am not attached to the outcome either, one way or the other.

I have also been tapping the health beauty and fitness. A thought popped in my head this morning when I woke up. I remembered when I was thinner and more fit, I viewed eating as a means to survive and not as a recreational activity. I had a fruit shake for breakfast two mornings in a row now. Not my usual grits with cheese and eggs.

Yay for me!
02-05-2013, 01:38 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Daniela, thanks for chiming in. What a beautiful description of "letting go" and surrender in your relationship! Nice share Smile

Robin, OMG - that's what happened for me with the 30-Day Health Fitness & Beauty Challenge, I did not go on a diet but I did notice gradually over a few months I pretty much stopped eating in restaurants. And although I am still eating the same basic foods I was eating before, I think it has tilted now more to the organic fresh fruits and vegetables and less on the bread/starch. I still eat pizza and ice cream and yet the weight just DISAPPEARED. Smile

Looking forward to hearing how it evolves. For those who don't have it yet, the 30-Day Health Fitness & Beauty Challenge is here:
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)

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