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Robin In Carolina
08-07-2013, 06:57 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Love/hate relationships are about the drama aren't they. The highs and lows. It's like an addiction. You fight, you have hateful emotions. You make up, then you feel the high. The core issue is never solved because you are stuck on the train of addiction.

Another interesting development here. I have manifested a nice chunk of money in the last few days. I got the idea of putting my affiliate marketing course on sale. It went like hotcakes!

In doing this though, I also committed to updating the course over the next couple of months, which is money manifesting already in the future. Another money making idea out of tapping parts of the abundance challenge again.

I also use the technique that I spoke of somewhere here while tapping. I ask myself questions like "how will I manifest the money to go on vacation"

I had paid half of my vacation and owed the other half. I had 3 days to pay the balance and no clue where it was coming from. Well it showed up!
08-07-2013, 07:28 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Agreed, that love/hate relationships are absolutely an addiction. At that level, we are totally confused about what love is and we call hate love without noticing that it is not true love at all. It takes radical honesty to see that ego-love is really hate. This codependency thing is at the crux of it and I never knew any other kind of relationship.

Great shifts, Robin!Heart You are a money magnet! You are being inspired and you are creating good things as a result! So happy that you have manifested your vacation money. Thanks for sharing!
08-07-2013, 11:21 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Nice work with money magnetism, Robin! Yes, I do this often - I spend money on my credit cards and then manifest it before the bill is due. Every month I pay them off in full. This is what I did on a pretty grand scale for the Costa Rica trip.

And yes Robin and Elaine, about co-dependency. The only way to find stability in relationships is to find everything within ourselves without needing to "get" it by being in relationship with our "opposite." Two healed people coming together as wholes is the holy relationship.
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
08-07-2013, 11:38 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
I am loving reading all about your money magnetism Robin and it is great to release co-dependent patterns!
08-19-2013, 09:52 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
I had my best week in a long time last week when I was away at the beach, not working at all. I have also spent a lot of time in meditation as that is how I have consoled myself during this grief over the passing of my brother. I think my focus on self healing has lowered any resistance that I have around money, for I simply just can't focus on it. I just surrender, yet the money still came in.

Still not back to where I was, but I don't doubt that it is coming. Lots of shifts happening for me during this time in my life.
08-19-2013, 12:06 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Glad to hear that money took care of itself during this time, Robin. That feels like a pretty big confirmation of "do less, accomplish more." Also glad to hear you are taking care of yourself. Big hugs to you ... Heart
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)
08-19-2013, 05:04 PM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
May you continue to receive blessings during this time. I'm sending love and prayers your way,Heart
08-22-2013, 08:48 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Thanks Erika and Elaine!

This is surely a time of confusion and ciaos in my life at the moment. I find myself often overwhelmed. The sudden death of my brother has been tough, very tough. Our relationship had recently seen such a huge transformation. We were doing a lot of sharing and he was waking up to life and all of it's abundance.

I have been led to tap through the codependency challenge again and will start that today. Details as to the whys of it are in the private area. Needless to say, codependency is slowly fading out of my life.
08-30-2013, 08:19 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Setback and comeback in my life right now.

Many know my brother passed earlier this month. I spoke at his memorial last Saturday. That alone was an accomplishment for me. The next morning I got the news my Dad has died. Boy oh boy. So much death, so much sadness.

I had just tapped through the co-dependency challenge before this all went down. Last night I was really struggling.

We found a kitten, about 3 weeks old under our house yesterday. I had no idea this kitty would be such a huge trigger for me and I felt the pull to go back to co-dependency, let me explain.

First though, after it set in that I had this fragile little kitty, I began to get fearful. Should I keep it? What if it didn't make it? I became very scared that it too would die. I fear the loss, which is ego I am sure.

I have a trip planned to got spend the weekend in Charleston with two good friends. Beach, good food, and relaxation. I almost backed out. I didn't want to leave my daughter for starters, for this has been a tough time for her as well. I didn't want to leave my kitten either. I felt responsible, even though there are 3 other people in this house perfectly willing and able to take care of it.

I tapped on it, sat with it and it dawned on me, I was wanting to stay in my comfort zone during this tougher time. Staying in my comfort zone may feel safe, but it's not going to propel me forward.

I am going on my trip! I have to take care of my well being or I will be useless to others. I worked beyond old co-dependent ways. I am not responsible for the feelings of others. I am actually doing my daughter a favor by this as she too could use a little letting go of co-dependency! She has been wanting very much to take care of me and as much as I appreciate that, she too needs to take care of her.
08-30-2013, 08:25 AM,
RE: Robin In Carolina
Thank you Robin. Our hearts are with you during this pretty intense transition that the Universe has set before you. Thanks for sharing with us in such a vulnerable way.

Yea I can't help but think this is all happening for a reason, and of course I believe we will be resurrecting people before too long so it's more like they went on a long vacation. That may not ease the grief now though.

You know, my advanced products that I recorded this past year are very much about letting go of the fear of death so we can truly love again. The fear of death feels so "familiar" to all of us that we think of it as "normal" - and it's really not.

Anyone interested in working through these issues can private message me for recommendations. Both the Eternal Youth Challenge and the Secret Revolutionary Product offer lots and lots of EFT tapping videos for releasing fears of death - which results in tremendous healing of both heart and body.

We are here for you, Robin, during these transitions Heart
- Erika Awakening, Founder of Holistic Belief Reprogramming, an Advanced version of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping)

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